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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 16: Whatever deh...

Hm, I just want to share my thoughts about my friend...

When I was chatting with my cousin she asked me if the Indo friend is nice. I told her yes, she's pretty nice.

Hm, I guess I was wrong.

She just told us today that she is thinking to quit her study here, because she said the education & courses & everything aren't up to her standard. She even said her first impression of one of our lecturer is "stupid".


Since I don't like hurting people's feelings, and not so blunt like her, I'll just write it down here then.

I started to feel disappointed with her during my homesick/culture shock days. At the time I often ask her opinions about things since she has more experiences living abroad. But in the end, after I talked to the program leader, and she asked me my decision.....I told her I couldn't decide, I will see as the time goes on.

Her reaction?

"Okay, it's your life...but I already started to feel irritated and annoyed, you know"

Oh, I can see that really. But you know.....I am not you.

Unlike me, you already know what do you want to do in your life. Unlike me, you came from businessman family. Unlike me, you have more than enough material supports for everything in life.

But you can't see that, can you?

Just because I can't decide what to do and want to think over it more, you think I'm an indecisive person.

Well, too bad.....because I also can see that you are nothing but a smart and rich spoiled kid. You admitted it yourself, you don't know the value of money. I can see that clearly. You often whine you want to go shopping, and the brands are the expensive ones. You want to go to the big cities to shop but you don't want to walk a little bit far. You don't like to walk to the town because it's hot. You complain about your dorm because you used to have the whole apartment to yourself and you have your own car but sadly here you have to walk a lot.

We are so different aren't we?

You just want to study but don't want to work. I told you if you want to quit you can work for your father first and then take a master degree, but you just whined you want to study. Don't you know that working is also studying? Don't you know that all of your life, you're studying, just not in class but in everyday life?

You have no right to call people stupid just by the first sight. You have no right to judge people being indecisive just because their way of thinking and seeing things are different from you. Or maybe, you actually CAN do that.....everyone can do that, even me who is silently criticizing you now. But you are so impatient you know?

Maybe all of these are because you're so young. You're still 20, I think I was so careless like that too when I was your age.

Time will make you realize one day, that there is nothing such as "wasting time" in the world. Every single second is precious, so does every single thing you do.

And even though you feel like you don't get anything from the 2 weeks life here in Bulle, you will see one day that you're actually got something already: the feelings of being faraway from your family, living alone without luxury, gaining new friends. You need to learn about humility too you know..

Things like that, I already can see it. You will reach the time when you finally can do it too.

I'll call it a day....

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