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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 10: Whut?

Hai thar today...

I've been attacked by a full boredom since yesterday and I wonder why. I have a lot things to do like mandarin (ugh!), checking my wardrobe, checking Glion website, searching for my lost photo CD, write down some recipes (halfway done), checking my, I even planned to bake brownies again but I'm too lazy to do it in the end.

And my brother sounds a bit pissed off since this noon. He keeps changing his facebook status with things like "AAAAAAAARRRGHHH!!" or "DO not disturb" or similar things that screamed "touch me and die. I'm totally pissed". I'm so used to hear him yelled or overall being PMS.

Oh oh oh yesterday I went shopping with mom, I finally bought red wine!! Yay, I miss drinking red wine so much (especially with my tummy problems)!! I drank two little cups already up till now :P
And when I strolled passed Starbucks, my friend Rendhy was there! Rendhy, why do every time I go to MKG you were never there? Wheh, but two thumbs up for you and Daniel! You two, along with Santi at SenCy are the ones who are still loyally work in our beloved cafe~ Obviously Clemens, Jack & me were retired already, though Clemns & me still often joke about customers XDD and of course, Ana was MIA since a long time ago. I wonder why. Was it just because her store is far from her campus?
Oh Rendhy, thanks for the free tall no whipped dark berry mocha <3 It was very very berry even though only a pump of syrup (but it's blueberry, no wonder....).I'm not really fancy it but it's not bad. I still prefer my beloved double choco cream chip (oreo, my barista partners said) or raspberry blackcurrant or a simple latte. Yummy~ I love milk hence the double choco cream chip, so what XD

Today, you dork! Why didn't you tell me earlier that you have facebook??? Tsk, and here I thought you're already forgot about me, your DBSK/Suju/SHINee/FTTS BFF in crime (that's self-proclaimed, please ignore it). And now I see we do have different style of music....or maybe different ill too. I missed those times last year when you were asking me Noonan nomu yeppeo HQ MV after I gave you their 1st album and an LQ MV :P Not a dongbangers anymore hm? Well, that's okay. I am one too, I really missed their korean songs....just come back here misters XD
Why do I found it a bit hilarious now that you like Suju the most? Oh oh oh maybe because I was the one who gave you their old MVs plus some show clips and some MV behind the scenes/makings? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Speaking of korean fandom......I was scarred with 2NE1. Female Big Bang? Not that it was a bad idea for the group to make such a funky girl band but why do they have to announced it as female Big Bang? Their fame will be always related to BB itself, I really wish it won't be like that. I'm sure they can be famous on their own later but I really don't like such title.


The thing that scarred me was a performance video of the girls I saw in youtube, thanks to my meimei Pei. Well, i was impressed at 1st, this is the 1st girl singers I've ever seen dancing with sneakers instead of high heels in k-music...well, just as far as I have seen though. BUT it was totally destroyed by the magnae's chest pumps.


A young woman did chest pumps??? And the youngest of the four at that!!! OMG what were they thinking, making such a young woman did chest pumps?? EWWWWW!!!! Totally inappropriate both for me & my meimei!!!

Btw their style are so...uh....BB horrible style. They might think it's funky but not for me....

I suddenly remember my drema last night. I was in a kind of military team consisted of 3 women & a man as the team captain. One of the other women was Li Yu Chun, the famous chinese androgyny singer (I mean she's a total tomboy). I was the one with the heaviest weapon sets too. Just like Vasquez in the old movie "Alien". The setting was in a modern city below a hill or mountain,and we were armies in an academy that, weirdly, was focused in languages. So all projects were about language & how to overcome language barriers.

.....ROFLMAO much?

Seriously, armies in language academy?

Well. Random dream but quite entertaining I should say.

Okay so I have enough rantings for the day. Let's go back to (ugh!) mandarin now.

Zhao ju zhao ju...

I'll call it a day now.

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