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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Favorite Quotes

Here are the list of my favorite quotes. I value them for how deep and meaningful they are. These are Chinese quotes though, because I read them a lot :P

A batch from maxims by Zhu Zi:

When you eat, remember that the food is the product of hard work. When you put on clothes, keep in mind that materials do not come by easily.

One should repair the house before it rains and not start digging a well when he already feels thirsty.

Utensils used in the house should be plain and clean. Earthenware is better than those made of jade and gold.

Meals need not be sumptuous; finely prepared, simple vegetables can be better than rare delicacies.

Strive to lead a simple and thrifty life; through such example your children will learn the principles of living.

Show sympathy and solicitude to your relatives or neighbors who are in adverse circumstances.

Fortune amassed by unjust means cannot be enjoyed for long; violating moral principles will bring about destruction.

Among brothers and close relations, the more affluent should help the needy.

In a family, parents and children, husband and wife, the older and younger should each do their duty. They should all abide strictly by the rules of behaviour and use appropriate language.

A man who values money more than his parents is a bad son.

when marrying off a daughter, choose a man of good qualities. It is wrong to demand lavish betrothal gifts
--- wealth and rank are as transient as a fleeting cloud, a good spouse ensures lasting happiness. A woman's happiness should be entrust to a man of good moral character and talents. Virtue is more precious than wealth.

When choosing a wife for a son, find a girl who is virtuous and genial, not one whose family offers a generous dowry.

When with others, do not talk too much. One who talks too much is prone to say the wrong thing.

People with power and wealth should be kind to people who are not so fortunate as they are. They should not bully the weak, especially the orphaned and widowed.

Eccentricity and conceit often misguide a person and result in regret
-- being self-opinionated and turning a deaf ear to the advice of others often result in mistakes and regrets.

One who is spiritless and lazy can achieve nothing -- a man must have courage and dilligence, then he will achieve success. One who muddles along, wallowing in despondence, is destined to be a failure in life.

Men who are experienced, prudent and modest can be depended on during emergency --a man who is steady and cautious may not be fun, but when you need help he is the one you can depend on.

When hearing an accusation, do not readily believe it. Keep your cool and think carefully, for the charge may be false.

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