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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 11: Grandpa's birthday party, family reunion

Very very good day today la-la-laaaa~

That's the photo of today's event. Yes, today is my grandpa's birthday party. It's supposed to be 2nd June but we held big party (as usual) for him today at Angke Restaurant Kelapa Gading, near MOI. And when I said big, it was really big since my yiyi, the PO, not only invited grandpa's children-grandchildren-grandgrandchildren as usual, she was also invited Tan big family. Tan family is my grandma's family, so her sisters came along with their children and grandchildren. It was so many people we need to arrange the tables like what we usually called "makan meja" in Chinese wedding XDD and of course yiyi placed me and my bro at a table with my cousins who are around my age.

Woah, it's been a long time since I was in a party with them. I barely recognized them except Yoan, and that's only she usually come to my house with her mom to fix her teeth. I almost embarrassing myself with mistaking her brothers Yose and Nathan with my other cousins Edwin and Adry. Tsk tsk, such a big happy family I have here XD
EH, the only thing that stop me for embarrassing myself is the fact that my bro probably know my big family less than me. I don't know if I should be amused or disapointed, but he doesn't even remember the names of my baby cousins and my nephews-nieces. He barely interacted with my cousins, just ate and then drew sketches at his sketch book. What to do with him, I honestly don't know.

Anyway we have fun chatting and talking from school life to Indonesian artists XDD the latter was because suddenly they turned on the karaoke and the songs were....homg, Joshua's "Air", Tina Toon "Bolo-bolo", Noval "Batman", Trio Kwek-kwek's Indonesia song I forgot what's the title, Tasya, Chiquita Meidy, and much much more children songs that made us totally amused and nostalgic!! Well, since my nephews and nieces are still about 2-7 then it's understandable~ Besides, the karaoke set reminds us of our stupid karaoke moments when we were at their age :P The most memorable one was singing The Cranberries "Zombie", with our own makeshift "eah eah eah"....LOL so much, really!

Then the song suddenly changed to.....Kuburan Band "Lupa Lupa Ingat"





I mean, come on....Kuburan Band reminds me so much of my fellow Starbucks barista partner Jack because he was promoting it during trainee days and now....
Okay it was hilarious I think. Not that the song is bad but the lyrics are really lolastic my cousin had said XD and I don't know who was the culprit but the song was turned over and over again in the end of the party it's stuck in my head...and my cousins'.

Well. All in all we have a really good time~
And I heard next week or about 10 days from today is one of my yipo's birthday :P Another family party/reunion to attend to I guess~

I actually found a funny pic today, from my friend's facebook, but I'll upload it tomorrow I think :P

I'll call it a day now~

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